Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Date - 24.12.2019

Time - 8 AM to 12.30 PM

Event - Cake Sale

Venue - School Ground

Description - The interactors organised cake sale for charity purposes on the Annual Sports Day of the school where parents bought the items generously.

Participants - Interactors

Teachers in Charge - Dr Meghna Vig

Date 12.10.19

Organized by Inayat

On 12 October interactors raised funds to host the diwali Carnival for children from underprivileged families. They sold candles and chocolates made by themselves.

  • : 12-Oct-2019

Date 10.10.19

Event Diwali Carnival for Under privileged children

Organized by Inayat Interact Club

Approximately 300 students and teachers came from various NGOs on 19th Oct. We had arranged various competitions and games which were judged and they were handsomely awarded. The NGO called Just For Us bagged the overall trophy.

Cleanliness Drive

Date 25.9.19

The ever conscientious BVNiites took up the challenge to spread awareness about maintaining cleanliness an? avoiding pollution. Students carried posters , chanted slogans ,swept the roads and cleared the garbage from the roads. They even impressed upon local shopkeepers to avoid using plastic bags.

Date 17.8.19

Venue Nai Disha

Paper mache flowerpot workshop

Ishika Yadav and Manushi of class vii taught children of NaiDisha how to make flower pots with balloons, papermache and POP. The young children were encouraged to make and decorate the flower vases which could be sold and earn them money.

Participants Interactors, Ms Sumana Ganguly,Ms Rupam Jha

Date 17.8.19

Venue Nai Disha, Kishangarh

Students of class 10 conducted an awareness program through peer counselling of girls at Nai Disha ,an NGO ,on menstrual hygiene. Furthermore they even distributed sanitary napkins to the girls.

Participants . Interactors

Ms. Sumana Ganguly and Ms. Rupam

Date - 17.8.2019

Event - Health Awareness Camp for Class IV employees

Time - 10 AM - 2.30 PM

Venue - Skating rink

Description - BVN organised a health awareness camp for the class IV employees wherein their health check-up was done and various health issues were addressed by doctors from Max Hospital, Saket.

The following tests were done for all the BVN class IV employees:

Bone marrow density test

Blood sugar test

Blood pressure test

Body Mass Index Test

After getting these tests done, the staff consulted the General Physician, the Orthopedician and the Gynaecologist. They asked about their other medical problems as well, and got medicine prescriptions written.

The doctors who came were:

Orthopedician Dr Jyoti

General Physician Dr Soubia

Gynaecologist Megha Gautam

Rest were their support staff.

Participants - Interactors and Class IV employees

Teachers in Charge - Dr Meghna Vig and Ms Sumana Ganguly

Date - 17.8.2019

Time - 8 AM to 9:30 AM

Event - Health Awareness Workshop for Class IV Employees of BVN

Venue - Skating rink

Description - Parent-volunteer Dr Aparna Gupta (Neurologist) conducted a Health Awareness workshop for our class IV employees in which they were enlightened about diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases, stress, prolonged tiredness etc. The session was very interactive as the staff asked their questions and the parent-doctor answered all of them.

Participants - Interactors and BVN Class IV staff.

Teachers in Charge - Dr Meghna Vig and Ms Sumana Ganguly